Thursday, May 16, 2013

"Just go where the wind blows..."

Lyric I picked up on today and am now currently in love with:"I just wanna have a goood time, can't I have fun for the rest of my life? just go where the wind blows" I feel like it translates well for how I'm feeling with my life at the moment. When things are moving at a busy pace and I've got good times rolling one after the other everything just seems so intensely satisfying. I don't want the good times to stop. But we all have to take breaks sometimes (obviously right?) and come back to reality and face our responsibilities....When those times occur I usually sense a small lull in myself. Things feel too slow paced, almost boring. But I'm trying to learn that instead of seeing this as a negative thing, to instead embrace these moments to rest, recharge, listen to my body, listen to my mind and let it guide what step I take next. I need to take more of these moments in fact. It's important to make sure you feel secure on your own... I knew this...but haven't always acted on it.

In other news of recent advice I've been given on this funky feeling day... I was telling my friend that lives in Cali that I was in a bit of a sour mood and asked him if he could brighten my day at all (he alwayyyys seems to be in a 'sunny' mood). He told me, "It doesn't take much to make me happy. You see, the trick to being cheaply amused is to find one thing good about your day and love the hell out of it."
Instantly it clicked with me. I feel I often let the day to day grind and routine prevail over the small details and many of those little things that often are quite enough to make a day a good one. There's got to be at least one thing about everyone's day that was good. Unless you're a total pessimist in which case you've got bigger problems, bud. It's easy to tune out the good and dwell on the bad. But if you work at it just a little to fight that tide and change your focus to those positive things, you'll find yourself in a much better place.
So I hope if anything you take away a small piece of good, or hope, or happiness on with you to wherever you're heading next. :)
And here's a photo that I feel breeds beauty in its serenity:
A view from the gardens of Chicago :)

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