Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Feelin the Good Vibrations

Wow! So this is really hard keeping up with this. I initially had in mind to post to this once a day and look at how this is slipping away from me already! I guess it would help if I travelled everywhere taking my laptop with me... which I don't. And it would also help if during my friggin' long (usually stressful) commute home from work, I could document during that time. I always wish I had a good old fashioned (tape?) recorder to get it all out in the moment...right when it all makes sense in my head. But alas, here I am... at the end of a busy day trying to remember all of it.
I will go back on my most recent weekend though for a minute here. It ended up being a reminder to me that this journey I'm on NEVER ceases to amuse and/or surprise me. I feel luckier and more blessed than ever to have the family and friends that I do in my life. Even after just having another birthday go buy (in which I turned a "YOUNG" 27) I feel like I'm stilllll always learning through every experience I come across. I accept that there are always going to be bad days and minor setbacks but I choose to look at each of these as more of lessons that have made me wiser (ya get that with age right?!) The more I look around and see--or on the contrary, the more I stop to observe, the more beauty I see all around me.
This weekend also reminded me to keep and stay focused on my ambition and let that be the guiding factor in my life right now. I've accomplished some of my goals but I've also set new ones. I've also still not reached a couple that are still attainable (like when in high school joking with my friends that there would be a day I'd be driving a white beemer and carrying a briefcase around). But the good news is, there's still plenty of time for that!
It's just been one of those can't stop smiling kind of days.
Great friends, great family, great conversation, great adventure....another token of the journey to discover my true potential.
One day I'll be a powerful player in this world. Just you wait and see.... ;)

Pic of the day.....
A highlight of the birthday weekend, the "happiest 5k" on earth.  And the reminder that everyone needs a little color (and flare) in their lives.  :)

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